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About the Marathon Swimmers Federation

The Marathon Swimmers Federation (MSF) provides resources, guidelines, and social networking to the global community of marathon swimmers and aspiring marathon swimmers. The MSF was founded in 2012 by Evan Morrison and Donal Buckley, and is centered at the 850-member online Marathon Swimmers Forum.

About the Authors

  • Evan Morrison (San Francisco, Calif., USA). Co-Founder, MSF. Board Member, Santa Barbara Channel Swimming Assoc. LongSwimsDB profile. Personal website
  • Andrew Malinak (Seattle, Wash., USA). Co-founder and president, Northwest Open Water Swimming Assoc. LongSwimsDB profile.
  • Donal Buckley (Co. Tipperary, Ireland). Co-Founder, MSF. LongSwimsDB profile. LoneSwimmer.com.
  • Elaine Howley (Boston, Mass., USA). Co-Founder, Massachusetts Open Water Swimming Assoc. Triple Crown marathon swimmer. Ice swimmer. Co-record holder, triple Boston Light Swim, Race Director of the Boston Light Swim. LongSwimsDB profile.

We received valuable feedback from Cathy Delneo, David Barra, Forrest Nelson, Barbara Held, Ron Collins, Scott Zornig, Finbarr Hedderman, Zoe Sadler, Rob Bohane, Mauricio Prieto, Greg O’Connor, Rich Morrison, Gale Morrison, Anthony McCarley, and Dave Van Mouwerik.


To contact the MSF, please use the Contact Form.

Version 1.1, February 3, 2014