Stacey Wong - Lac Annecy

Annecy to Doussard

13.5 km (8.4 miles)

4 hours, 10 minutes on 25 July 2024

Observed and documented by Kirill Demtchouk



  • Name: Stacey Wong
  • Gender: female
  • Age on swim date: 31
  • Nationality: United States
  • Resides: San Francisco, California

Support Personnel

  • Alexandre Insacco - pilot
  • Clara Darnet - land crew


Kirill Demtchouk

Crewing for Lake Tahoe True Width marathon swim in 2022 (link); Kayak support for marathon training swims in Hawaii and Northern California. Partner of swimmer.

Escort Vessel

Name Type Port
unnamed RIB Zodiac Medline 2 140hp (2008) Saint-Jorioz, France

Swim Parameters

  • Category: Solo, nonstop, unassisted.
  • Rules: MSF Rules of Marathon Swimming, without exception or modification.
  • Equipment used: Textile swimsuit (Jolyn Chevy onesie), silicone cap, goggles, earplugs.

Route Definition

  • Body of Water: Lac Annecy
  • Route Type: one-way
  • Start Location: Boat ramp just south of Société des Régates à Voile d’Annecy (45.894395, 6.134859)
  • Finish Location: Just west of Plage du Doussard public beach (45.793095, 6.218714)
  • Minimum Route Distance: 13.5 km (8.4 miles) (map)


LongSwimsDB: Lac Annecy.

Previous MSF documented swims of Lac Annecy:

Swim Data

  • Start: 25 July 2024, 08:29:00 (Central European Daylight Time, Europe/Paris, UTC2).
  • Finish: 25 July 2024, 12:39:41
  • Elapsed: 4 hours, 10 minutes, 41 seconds.

Summary of Conditions

Feature Min Max
Water Temp (F) 73 76
Air Temp (F) 62 73
Wind (kph) 0 10

GPS Track

Trackpoint frequency: 10 minutes. Download raw data (CSV).

Click to expand map.

Speed Plot

Nutrition: 200 calories every 30 minutes, alternating between Skratch Super High-Carb mix (6 oz) and Liquid Gu mixed with water (8 oz). Caffeinated Liquid Gu around the 2 hour and 3.5 hour marks.

Observer Log

Download PDF

Swimmer Statement

by Stacey Wong

I learned about swimming across Lac Annecy via the MSF database. I had plans to hike in Chamonix and was eager to get some swimming in — especially since I’d attempt the Lake Tahoe length shortly after my trip. A search for swims in France revealed Martyn Webster’s and Van Cornwall’s prior swims across Lac Annecy.

Van is a fellow swimemr at the South End Rowing Club, and after hearing about his great experience swimming Lac Annecy in 2022, I was even more eager to attempt the swim.

JC Marcel previously piloted this swim but was unavailable for my date. I found my eventual pilot and land-crew, Alexandre and Clara, through the Click & Boat app. I chatted with Clara over the phone and shared links to Martyn’s and Van’s swims. As endurance athletes themselves, Alexandre and Clara were excited to support the swim.

On the morning of the swim, we met at the Saint Jorioz Marina and reviewed the swim logistics with Clara assisting in translation. Alexandre, Kirill, and I boarded the boat and motored 5 minutes to the start in Annecy. I hopped off the boat, made my way onto dry land, then slipped down the mossy ramp into the water. By 8:29, the swim was on!

The conditions were idyllic — 70F+ degree water, cloudless sky, and lush mountains lining the glassy lake. My body felt tighter than I expected, but I reminded myself that I usually take an hour to warm up. Like clockwork, I settled into a groove around my second feed and started enjoying the views around me. Around hour 2, Réserve du Roc de Chere came into view, and I focused on swimming towards it.

The main challenge of the swim was feeding. Kirill has crewed for me before, but this was my first time feeding with a blender bottle. He didn’t realize that the open bottle would take on lake water as he pulled it back to the boat, cap open, post-feed. I have had issues consuming all my feeds in the past, so he assumed the lake water was leftover nutrition and left it in the bottle, insisting that I drink the entire thing at the next feed. In reality, I was attempting to consume ~6 ounces of new nutrition, plus an increasing amount of leftover lake water. Luckily the Lac Annecy water is extremely clean!

At the 3-hour mark, the marvelous Chateau de Duingt came into view, but my stomach ached from all the liquid. Feeling low energy and slow, I requested extra caffeine and calories, which slowly brought me back to life. I had good energy swimming through Petite Lac, which was helpful as the wind had picked up and there was some mild chop to contend with.

At my last feed, Alexandre told me that I had 15-20 minutes left. Excited for the finish, I picked up the pace. The beach at Plage de Doussard was crowded, but I found an empty strip of land to exit the water, raising my arms once on dry land. Once I got back on the boat, Kirill told me my time of just over 4 hours. I was shocked, given that my mid-swim bonk. A good reminder that the mind does not always reflect how the body is actually performing! Post swim, we took a leisurely boat ride back to Saint Jorioz and met Clara at the marina.

Many thanks to Martyn and Van for inspiring this swim, Alexandre and Clara for piloting and land-crewing, and Kirill for crewing and observing. Every marathon swim takes a village, and I’m grateful for your support.


Click to enlarge.
