Stephen Root - Lake Tahoe

Camp Richardson to Incline Creek
34.3 km (21.3 miles)
9 hours, 35 minutes on 10 August 2020
Observed and documented by Mark Lutzker
- Name: Stephen Root
- Gender: male
- Age on swim date: 49
- Nationality: United States
- Resides: Mill Valley, California
Support Personnel
- Tom Linthicum - pilot
- Jon Grunstad - co-pilot
- Geoff Butler - kayaker
- Justin O'Reilly - kayaker
- Mark Lutzker - observer
Escort Vessel: Ghostrider (Tahoe Keys)
Swim Parameters
- Category: Solo, nonstop, unassisted.
- Rules: MSF Rules of Marathon Swimming, without exception or modification.
- Equipment used: TYR jammer, goggles, silicone swim cap.
Route Definition
- Body of Water: Lake Tahoe
- Route Type: one-way
- Start Location: Camp Richardson Beach (38.938492, -120.039341)
- Finish Location: Public beach SE of Incline Creek mouth (39.238282, -119.945648)
- Minimum Route Distance: 34.3 km (21.3 miles)
LongSwimsDB: Lake Tahoe.
Swim Data
- Start: 10 August 2020, 00:00:00 (Pacific Daylight (America/Los_Angeles, UTC-7)).
- Finish: 10 August 2020, 09:35:39
- Elapsed: 9 hours, 35 minutes, 39 seconds.
Summary of Conditions
Feature | Min | Max |
Water Temp (F) | 67 | 69 |
Air Temp (F) | 60 | 73 |
Wind (knots) | 0 | 6 |
GPS Track
Trackpoint frequency: 30 minutes. Download raw data (CSV).
Speed Plot
Nutrition: Carb drink every half-hour. Every hour: gels, peanut butter, baby food + bars.
Observer Log
Swimmer Statement
What inspired you to do this swim?
After swimming the Vikingsholm width, I had to swim the full length.
Describe how you planned for the swim.
I kept swimming for a year after the Viking swim.
How did the swim go, generally? Did you face any unanticipated challegnes?
It was difficult to get used to the boat and kayak lighting. I didn’t expect to get cold. I was happy in the middle.
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